Consumer representative sought for the Board Clinical Safety and Quality Committee

The West Moreton Health Board Clinical Safety and Quality Committee provides the Board with advice and recommendations on matters relating to quality improvement, strategy, and external accountability responsibilities. 

WMH are calling for expressions of interest for 2 consumer representatives who live in the West Moreton Region, to join the Committee. 

What are the main aims of the Clinical Safety and Quality Council?
West Moreton Hospital and Health Service (West Moreton Health) is one of 16 Hospital and Health Services (HHS) across Queensland.  Each HHS is an independent statutory body reporting to a Board which is accountable to Queensland Parliament through the Minister for Health. 

The West Moreton Hospital and Health Board (the Board) has an established Safety and Quality Committee which is a prescribed committee under Section 31 of the Hospital and Health Board Regulation 2012. The Committee functions under the authority of the Board, in accordance with the approved terms of reference.  

The Committee meets quarterly, providing the Board advice and recommendations on matters relating to the Board’s quality improvement, strategy and external accountability responsibilities as prescribed in the Hospital and Health Boards Act 2011, Hospital and Health Board Regulation 2012, the Public Service Act 2008 and the Financial Accountability Act 2009. This includes advice regarding matters relating to safety and quality of health services provided by West Moreton Health including strategies to minimise preventable harm, reduce unjustified variation in clinical care, improve the patient and care experience in receiving health services, monitoring the organisation’s governance arrangements and compliance with national and state strategies, policies, agreements and standards, monitoring the safety and quality of provided health services using appropriate indicators and any other function given to the Committee by the Board.  

Why are consumer representatives involved? 
Consumer perspectives on safety and quality are critical to ensure we provide patient-centred care.  Consumer input into what is prioritised for improvement and involving consumers in those improvements is an important part of this process.  The Committee’s greatest value lies in open and respectful discussions between a wide range of relevant stakeholders. 

Who is on the Clinical Safety and Quality Council? 
Committee membership is comprised of Board members and appropriately qualified external members. Members are appointed to the Committee for an initial period of one (1) year and can be reappointed.  Renewal terms are for a period of two (2) years. 

What is the commitment required by the consumer representative? 
The Committee meets each quarter for up to 2.5 hours per meeting. Meetings are held either in person or via an online platform. 
The consumer representative will receive a payment of $250 per meeting as a sitting fee for attending meetings which includes their time at the meeting and any other costs incurred to attend the meeting, such as parking and transport. Some pre or post reading of materials may be required. 

What kind of consumer are we looking for? 
West Moreton health is seeking to appoint two (2) external members to the Board Safety and Quality Committee and is calling for expressions of interest from appropriately skilled and suitably qualified persons. The following general skills/characteristics are required to fulfill these appointments: 

  • Significant experience in similar roles, preferably with public sector entities
  • Familiarity with legislative requirements applicable to Queensland Statutory Bodies and Health services in Queensland or the ability to become familiar with the same
  • Capacity to attend all Committee meetings, and actively contribute to Committee discussions, deliberations, and actions through robust review of all Committee papers and providing challenge, insight, and advice regarding all Committee paper and reports
  • Demonstrated involvement and/or interest in the local community

To bolster our current Committee skill mix, the Board is seeking external members with demonstrated experience in safety and quality governance and reporting for public sector entities. Qualifications and experience as follows - whist not mandated - will be considered advantageous: 

  • Experience as a health consumer representative
  • Active in the community with strong community networks
  • A sound understanding of local, regional, and state-wide health issues
  • Experience in monitoring safety and quality of services and improvement implementation
  • Demonstrated understanding of the safety and quality reporting requirements of statutory bodies, including the application of the Australia Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care’s National Safety and Quality Health Services Standards (NSQHHS).

How to express interest:
If you are interested in becoming a consumer representative for the Board Clinical Safety and Quality Committee, please complete and email the following documentation: 

  • A completed Expression of Interest form providing information on how your experience, abilities, knowledge and personal qualities are relevant for the role
  • An updated CV or resume including contact details of two referees

Expressions of interest are to be emailed to by 12pm, Thursday 18 November 2021
Members of the Committee are appointed by the West Moreton Health Board in accordance with the Safety and Quality Committee’s approved Charter. To obtain the most effective balance of skill and technical expertise, the Board reserves the right to make appointments to the Committee other than through this expression of interest alone. 

If you would like further information about this position please contact the Board Secretary at