Ipswich Health Plaza is a community health centre located in central Ipswich. It was officially opened in October 1994.
Need to get around at Ipswich Health Plaza
Located in the same building as the Queensland Rail Central Ipswich train station.
What health care is provided?
Want to have your say about the health care we provide?
Your feedback is always welcome. Connect with us by:
- speak to staff directly
- phone the facility (see Hospitals and centres)
- complete a consumer feedback form online (NOTE: you must complete reCAPTCHA at the bottom of the form to submit successfully)
- complete a consumer feedback form on paper (DOCX)
- contact our Consumer Liaison (CLO) service
- complete an electronic survey sent by Queensland Health via SMS to patients who have received services at West Moreton Health.
Hospital address
Postal Address
PO Box 878
Ipswich QLD 4305