About us

West Moreton Health provides health and wellbeing services to more than 320,000 people across the Somerset, Scenic Rim, Lockyer Valley and Ipswich communities. Its borders stretch to the north of Esk, west of Gatton, east of Ipswich and Springfield, and south of Boonah.

We provide preventative and primary healthcare services, ambulatory services, acute care, sub-acute care, and oral health, mental health and other specialised services (including prison health services and alcohol and other drugs services) to the region. 

West Moreton is the fastest growing region in Queensland in relative terms with a population that is expected to almost double to 588,000 by 2036.

Accessing information
We gather and securely retain a variety of information.
Annual report
Financial and non-financial performance and key achievement information for financial years.
The board is comprised of non-executive members appointed by the Governor in Council.
Disclosure log
A disclosure log makes non-personal information that has been disclosed to an individual under the Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) available
Health indicators report icron
Health Indicators 2021: West Moreton Health describes the health status of the West Moreton population, identifies important and emerging health
Organisational structure icon
We are statutory body, governed by a Hospital and Health Board.
Access up-to-date performance information by selecting a service area.
Plans and strategies
Details of our plans and strategies, and how we plan to serve our community.
We maintain strict security policies and practices with respect to who has access to personal information about you.
Publication scheme
Our publication scheme describes and categorises information about our services.
release of information
We respect and protect the privacy of patients and their families.
These values sustain our promise to our staff and the community that we are Caring Better Together.