Health Services

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
Indigenous Services

Keep our mob safe by looking after your health and acting fast if you feel sick.

West Moreton Health’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Unit is dedicated to ensuring First Nations people achieve their best possible health and wellbeing.

Our team is available across West Moreton Health facilities to help provide culturally safe and responsive care.

We are also working with clinicians to incorporate First Nations ways of healing and health into the systems and services delivered across West Moreton Health facilities.

As part of West Moreton Health’s First Nations Health Equity Strategy 2022-25 (PDF), the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Unit is working to ensure First Nations culture and spirituality is a key component of your health care journey.

Why ask if I am Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander?

West Moreton Health is working to improve the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people because there is still a large and unacceptable gap in health conditions and life expectancy.

The question: Are you of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin? is one of the routine questions that we ask of everybody using the service.

It isn’t right for staff to try and guess. The only way to this information right is for people to answer for themselves.

If you are not asked the questions, please let staff know.

What about privacy?

All information collected by West Moreton Health is subject to privacy laws to ensure that your information is protected and used appropriately.

How and when will I be asked?

You will be asked verbally or on a form every time you come to West Moreton Health, unless you are coming in for a regular course of treatment.

The question is:

Are you of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin?

On forms, the options for answering are:

checkbox No  
checkbox Yes, Aboriginal Note: Mark both boxes if you are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
checkbox Yes, Torres Strait Islander

Some forms have an extra box:

checkbox Yes, both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

What happens if I say “yes”?

If we know that you are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin, staff will be able to:

  • Give consideration to cultural needs.

  • Offer you access to the hospital liaison officer or health worker.

  • Provide information on Closing the Gap services and programs specifically available to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people ie. early health checks, vaccines, chronic disease programs.

  • Improve transition care through links to local services including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community support organisations, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical services and Medicare Local to improve patient care and discharge planning.

  • Provide information and support to help you with making decisions and choices about your health care.

What if I can’t say “yes”?

If under 15 years old or too sick to answer, a parent, guardian, carer or a responsible adult with you will be asked.

Do you need to know if my baby is?

Yes, this will help us to provide the best possible care for you and your baby.

Indigenous Hospital Liaison Service

The Indigenous Hospital Liaison Service provides support and assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients, families and communities across the five hospital facilities of the organisation.

The team provides direct support and assistance to both clinicians and to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander in-patients, families and Communities across the West Moreton region. They are also responsible for the delivery of culturally appropriate healthcare to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients, including supporting accessible and equitable health outcomes, in the context of meeting individual needs.

The team supports the transition between service providers, on behalf of and in consultation with, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They also provide information and resources that support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients to make appropriate healthcare choices and navigate the healthcare system.

Murrumba Targan Djimbulung

Murrumba Targan Djimbulung is an individualised culturally safe community care program. The service supports First Nation adults with chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, and ongoing heart and lung issues. The staff support consumers to navigate the healthcare system, including working with their GP and assisting with referrals to other prevention teams and medical management services within West Moreton.

Murrumba Targan Djimbulung, which translates to good healing my people, puts a person’s social and emotional wellbeing at the forefront of their care.


Murrumba Targan Djimbulung provides access to group and individual exercise programs located at the Jaghu Gym in Ipswich. The sessions are delivered by an Accredited Exercise Physiologist, nurses and indigenous health workers, and include exercise and yarning with a health education focus. Home visiting and telehealth services are also offered for people who have barriers to attending on-site sessions. 


  • Email:
  • Phone: 0447 239 734
  • Location: Jaghu Gym, Ground floor, Hayden Centre, 37 South Street, Ipswich
  • Hours: 7.30am-4.30pm, Monday-Friday
    The program offers flexible services please contact the program team for an appointment.
Jaghu Maternal and Infant Program

The Jaghu Maternal and Infant Program provides a culturally safe and responsive model of care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, their families and the community. The program provides continuity of care from conception until baby is around 2 years of age and includes care by a Midwife, Child Health Nurse, Aboriginal health Worker, Social and Emotional Wellbeing Officer and Social Worker, depending on the individual needs of the woman and her family.  


The Jaghu team can see you at our community clinic at Bremer Medical Centre, in your home or in a space where you feel comfortable and safe.

The Jaghu team can also support you to attend any appointments needed at Ipswich Hospital.

Child Health Clinic: The Jaghu Child Health Clinic operates every Tuesday at Bremer Medical Centre. Clinics include growth assessments; infant nutrition information; developmental checks; support for parents and families to improve health literacy in early childhood development; early identification and referral to specialists and allied health services as required; and links to local community services and events. The clinic operates by appointment only. Contact the Child Health Nurse on the number below.

Playgroup: The joint Jaghu and Kambu Health playgroup runs every second Friday at Bremer Medical Centre. The playgroup is free for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged 0-2 and their families. Phone 3810 3000 or email for further information.

Dads' group: The Jaghu Dads group meets on the first Friday of the month to yarn about all things children and life. The group is open to all dads linked to the Jaghu service whose children identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander. Dads do not need to identify. Contact the group co-ordinator via the Jaghu email.

Jaghu dad's group


Stronger Bubba Born

Stronger Bubba Born is a site dedicated to aiding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families having safe and healthy pregnancies. You can visit Stronger Bubba Born here to learn more and connect. 


How do I know if I could potentially have COVID-19?

Common symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath

What should I do if I have these symptoms?

If you meet the criteria for testing, you should contact a doctor or 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84) immediately.

Before your appointment please call ahead and advise that you identify as Aboriginal or/and Torres Strait Islander, and have symptoms. This way they can prepare for your appointment.

Will I be tested for COVID-19?

Testing is possible for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have a history of a fever and acute respiratory symptoms. On arrival at health service or hospital, you will be asked if you are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin. We need to ask everyone and we need you to tell us to ensure we provide the best possible care for you.