Health Services


West Moreton Health offers integrated rehabilitation across the continuum of care to meet the needs of the community.


Integrated rehabilitation services

West Moreton Health offers integrated rehabilitation across the continuum of care to meet the needs of the community incorporating:

  • Ipswich Hospital Rehabilitation (high intensity rehabilitation)
    Located at Ward 6B. Facilities include a gymnasium, kitchen assessment room, recreational / activity room, dinning room, customized rehabilitation courtyard, laundry facility, and other designated therapy rooms.
  • Boonah Hospital Rehabilitation (low intensity rehabilitation)
    Facilities include a gymnasium, recreational / activity room, dinning room, courtyard, laundry facility, other designated therapy rooms.  Care delivery is provided using both face-to-face and telehealth modalities.
  • Community Based Rehabilitation Team (CBRT)
    Located at Lower Ground Floor, Ipswich Health Plaza on Bell Street in Ipswich.
    CBRT provides interdisciplinary goal-based, out-patient assessment and therapy services to assist people with an identified rehabilitation need to maximise their independence.

Linked services

Other services closely linked to rehabilitation services are:

  • Transition care program (TCP)
    The transition care program supports older people (aged 65 years and over or 50 years and over if Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) who have been discharged from hospital or a sub-acute facility to undertake a time limited, goal driven,  low-intensity therapy program to improve general function and overall independence.
  • Tertiary hospital units
    Tertiary hospital units play a significant role in accepting patients for tertiary level care and referring patients back to West Moreton Health who require step-down care, closer to home.
What is rehabilitation?

The Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine defines:

  • rehabilitation medicine as
    that part of the science of medicine involved with the prevention and reduction of functional loss, activity limitation and participation restriction arising from impairments, the management of disability in physical, psychosocial and vocational dimensions, and improvement of function.
  • rehabilitation medicine services as
    a rehabilitation medicine service aims to assist people with disability or functional decline due to injury, illness, chronic disease or aging to attain the highest possible level of independent (physically, psychologically, socially and economically) following that incident or illness. This is achieved through a combined and co-ordinated use of medical, nursing and allied health professional skills. The process involves individual assessment, establishment of achievable treatment goals, treatment, regular review, discharge planning, community integration and follow-up of people referred to that service.

Goals that may be achieved include (but are not limited to):

  • improve
    • mobility
    • balance
    • strength and endurance
    • ability to perform day to day activities (eg personal care, domestic tasks)
    • cognitive functioning
    • communication
    • feeding and nutrition
    • return to leisure and work activities.
  • return home safely.
Our team

The team is comprised of:

  • you as the patient
  • your family / carer
  • rehabilitation medicine physician / doctors
  • nurses
  • physiotherapists
  • occupational therapist
  • speech pathologist
  • social worker
  • recreational officer
  • dietician
  • pharmacist
  • psychologist
  • podiatry
  • rehabilitation flow facilitator
  • therapy assistants
  • administration officer.
What happens while admitted?
  1. Assessment
    The team will look at what your physical, functional and cognitive abilities are so that together we can plan your care.
  2. Goal setting
    Short term and long term goals will be made, so that your rehabilitation has a focus.
  3. Therapy
    This involves things like exercising in the gym, performing self cares and practicing doing other activities that will help you to reach your goals.
  4. Discharge planning
    This involves planning, ordering and arranging all the things that will help you when you leave the hospital (e.g. equipment, home modifications, services to help you, continuing therapy and follow-up appointments).
  5. Case conference
    The multi-disciplinary team meets weekly to discuss your rehabilitation progress and discharge plan of care. A discharge date is made at these meetings, however this date may change depending on your progress and ongoing goals.
Our expectations
  1. Actively participate in your treatment. You and your family / carers form an important part of the rehabilitation team and are encouraged to participate in therapy. This includes answering questions, completing recommended exercises and following your therapy regime. It is important to talk to your therapist about any questions or concerns you may have about your care.
  2. Be courteous of your multi-disciplinary team members and other patients.
  3. Work cooperatively with rehabilitation staff. 

We aim to get you back to into daily routine, so all daily activities are considered part of your rehabilitation. We encourage you to wear your own day clothes, not pyjamas and sit out of bed or go to the dining room for all meals.

Vision and mission


To provide an integral and integrated Rehabilitation care within West Moreton Health.


Provide creative pathways for people with impairment and compromised participation to return to their communities and their lifestyles.